Category: Events

Every year, many communities in America hold a National Night Out. According to the official site, National Night Out (or NNO), held the first Tuesday in August, is "an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live." New Milford is currently the only town in the MidBergen area of New Jersey that hosts a NNO, as an event for demonstrations by police and local groups, as well, as a way for the people of the town to get together.

Residents Attending

It seems that the entire town shows up for the party. There are rides for the kids and tables for many community groups and local businesses.

For a view

If you want a good view of the proceedings, there's no better way than to use the New Milford Volunteer Fire Department's extending ladder, which goes to 4 stories tall. But start early, because the line is long.

Volunteer Fire Department Needs Members

The Volunteer Fire Department also provided hot dogs for the hungry visitors, who were greatly appreciative.

New Milford Library

The New Milford Public Library had their annual table, designed to attract adults and children alike, and make them aware of the great resource it provides.


This year, instead of the live band who have been entertaining New Milford for years, New Milford provided a DJ for entertainment.

Award to Recycling and Garbage Committee

Councilman Dominic Colucci (to the right of the photo, now sporting the beard which seems to be a requirement for men on the New Milford Town Council) presented a special award to the New Milford Garbage and Recycling Committee for their work in making New Milford a greener place.

Congressman Garrett presents flag to police

National Night Out in New Milford has also become an opportunity to meet those running for public office; Congressman Scott Garrett was also on hand to present a flag to our local police.


It was, as always, a wonderful way for the community to get together.