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Lecture: Birthplaces of the American Presidents
Thursday, April 21, 2016, 07:00pm
BCHS Lecture Series

Thursday, April 21, 2016, 7pm
Birthplaces of the American presidents

Louis L. Picone will discuss how he first developed an interest in the birthplaces of the American presidents and what led him to write a book about the subject (as well as a second book about where and how they died). He will talk about his travels, how he researched his topics, and will share some fascinating and amusing stories about the Presidential birthplaces. There will also be Q&A session.

Louis L. Picone is the author of Where the Presidents Were Born: The History & Preservation of the Presidential Birthplaces (Schiffer Publishing, 2012) and The President Is Dead!: The Extraordinary Stories of the Presidential Deaths, Final Days, Burials, and Beyond… (Skyhorse Publishing, 2016). Louis has served on the board of the Roxbury, NJ Historic Trust and is a member of the Authors Guild, and Mensa International. He has traveled to all fifty of the United States to visit historic presidential sites and is currently working on a Masters in History at William Patterson University. He resides in Roxbury, New Jersey.

Meet in the Steuben House, 1209 Main St, River Edge, NJ 07661. Refreshments available at the free Thursday lecture series.


Location Historic New Bridge Landing, 1201 Main Street, River Edge, NJ