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Lecture: Where are Orthodox Christians in the 21st century?
Saturday, February 20, 2016, 09:30am
Contact Nike Bach, 201-947-0756
Where are Orthodox Christians in the 21st century?



On Saturday, February 20, 2016 the public is invited to hear results of a recent study about Orthodox Christians in the U.S. Presented by religious sociologist AlexeiD. Krindatch, Research Coordinator for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, will be information from his 2015 survey of morethan 500 American Orthodox Christian churches and how these churches compare to other U.S. faith communities.



The program will begin with registration at 9:30am and will be held at St. Anthony’s Orthodox Church, 385 Ivy Lane, Bergenfield, NJ. The data will identify:


  • Which U.S. locations have the strongest Orthodox presence and how geographically widespread or concentrated these areas are,
  • How large U.S. Orthodox churches are; what is the average age of parishioners,
  • Whether parishes have grown through immigration or through evangelism, and
  • What percentage of Orthodox Church members attend church on a weekly basis.
Following Mr. Krindatch’s presentation, Adam Roberts, sub-deacon and program director of the Antiochian Archdiocese’s “Becoming TrulyHuman” program, will present ideas for growing a Church holistically, or as he says, “naturally”. He will stress the importance of building real anddeep-rooted relationships in order to keep people engaged in the Orthodox church.



Following lunch, for which a free will donation of $5 is suggested, Mr. Roberts will moderate a panel discussion of millennials andcollege students who will share what brings them to church and what keeps them from coming. This informative event will end at 3PM.



Parishioners of all denominations are welcome to attend. Children and teens are free. For reservations call 201-568-8840.



This program is part of St. Anthony Orthodox church’s 60th Jubilee celebration. The church is a multi-ethnic Orthodox church of theAntiochian Archdiocese. It serves parishioners from 30 surrounding communities and celebrates its services in English. For further information about theparish, visit


Location St. Anthony’s Orthodox Church, 385 Ivy Lane, Bergenfield, NJ
Suggested Donation: $5